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which signal did supervisor send to express.js to restart the server


[UPDATE]: Some posts mentioned that: In windows, there is no signal mechanism, so "SIGINT" can not work in Windows Node.js

I got one question when I deal with express termination:

I want to detect the shutdown signal of express server, so I set these:

process.on('exit', function(code) {
  console.log("exit disconnect.");

process.on('SIGINT', function(code){
  console.log("interrupt disconnect.");

process.on('SIGQUIT', function(code){
  console.log("quit disconnect.");

in bin/www. And start the server with supervisor bin/www

but when I use supervisor to monitor and restart the server, none of them get called, could anyone tell me which signal I should bind to process to monitor the shutdown of server?



  • Supervisor doesn't support sending signals to end a process.

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