Dependent types are often advertised as a way to enable you to assert that a program is correct up to a specification. So, for example, you are asked to write a code that sorts a list - you are able to prove that code is correct by encoding the notion of "sort" as a type, and writing a function such as List a -> SortedList a
. But how do you prove that the specification, SortedList
, is correct? Wouldn't it be the case that, the more complex your specification is, the more likely it would be that your encoding of that specification as a type is incorrect?
This is the static, type-system version of, How do you tell that your tests are correct?
The only answer I can honestly give is, yes, the more complex and unwieldy your specification, the more likely you are to have made a mistake. You can mess up in writing something in a type theoretic formalism just as well as you can in formalizing the description of your program as an executable function.
The hope is that your specification is simple and small enough to judge by examination, while your implementation of that might be far larger. It helps that, once you have some "seed" ideas formalized, you can show that the ideas derived from these are correct. From that point of view, the more readily you can mechanically and provably derive parts of your specification from simpler parts, and ultimately derive your implementation from your specification, the more likely you are to get a correct implementation.
But it can be unclear how to formalize something, which has the effect that either you might make a mistake in translating your ideas into the formalism – you might think you proved one thing, when actually you proved another – or you might find yourself doing type theory research in order to formalize an idea.