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Accessing a controller method's required roles/authorities from a filter

Is it possible to retrieve a list of the roles/authorities required for a particular controller action/method in a Grails Filter?

Assuming the Spring Security Core (2.0.x) plugin installed and a Controller using @Secured annotations such as:

class PersonController {

    def index(Integer max) {
        params.max = Math.min(max ?: 10, 100)
        respond Person.list(params), model:[personInstanceCount: Person.count()]

    def show(Person personInstance) {
        respond personInstance

If a user navigated to the index action, the filter would get ['ROLE_MANAGER', 'ROLE_USER'] and if they navigated to show, the filter would get ['ROLE_MANAGER']. I tried injecting the objectDefinitionSource into the filter and using objectDefinitionSource.allConfigAttributes like the following:

class MyFilters {

    def objectDefinitionSource    

    def filters = {
        all(controller:'assets', action:'*', invert: true) {
            before = {
                // get list of spring security roles required for the controller's action
                objectDefinitionSource.allConfigAttributes.each { println it }
                // additional filter behavior...

but as the method suggests, it displays all the roles defined in the app not just those specific to that action.


  • Try this code

    def ctrlClass = grailsApplication.getArtefactByLogicalPropertyName("Controller", controllerName).clazz
    def roles = ctrlClass.getDeclaredMethod(actionName).getAnnotation(grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured).value()

    It should return ['ROLE_MANAGER','ROLE_USER'] for your "index" action and ['ROLE_MANAGER'] for your "show" action