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Function accessing cell range

I don't find how to use cell ranges with functions.

I vainly searched some examples.

I wrote the following test. I get "Object variable not set" error on both "for" lines (one is without "RangeAddress", and the second is with it, because I'm not sure of the correct syntax):

function CHECKBZRANGE(cellRange) as integer
    dim nCol as integer
    dim nLine as integer
    dim i as integer

    for nCol = cellRange.StartColumn to cellRange.EndColumn
        for nLine = cellRange.RangeAddress.StartRow to cellRange.RangeAddress.EndRow
            i = i + 1      ' placeholder for some computation
        next nLine
    next nCol
    checkBZ_range = i
end function

This function is called with a cell like =CHECKBZRANGE(A6:C9)

Can someone explain how to use a cell range passed by argument ?


  • With Calc spreadsheets it is not possible to hand over CellRange objects as parameters to User Defined Functions. If you give a cell range as the parameter, then this will be always a variant array. So there are two possibilities.

    Either you need the cell values in the function, then you can take the variant array and use it:

    public function CHECKBZRANGE(vCellRangeValues as variant) as integer
        dim i as integer
        dim vCellValue as variant
        if not isarray(vCellRangeValues) then
            vCellValue = vCellRangeValues
            msgbox vCellValue
            i = i + 1
            CHECKBZRANGE = i
            exit function
        end if
        for each vCellValue in vCellRangeValues
            msgbox vCellValue
            i = i + 1
        CHECKBZRANGE = i
    end function

    Can be used as: =CHECKBZRANGE(A6:C9)

    Or you need really the cell range object, then you must give its positions as parameters:

    public function CHECKBZRANGE2(lcol1 as long, lrow1 as long, lcol2 as long, lrow2 as long ) as integer
        dim i as integer
        dim oCellRange as object
        dim lRow as long
        dim lCol as long
        dim oCell as object
        oCellRange = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(lcol1-1,lrow1-1,lcol2-1,lrow2-1)
        for lCol = 0 to oCellRange.Columns.Count -1
         for lRow = 0 to oCellRange.Rows.Count -1
            oCell = oCellRange.getCellByPosition(lCol, lRow)
            msgbox oCell.AbsoluteName
            i = i + 1
        CHECKBZRANGE2 = i
    end function

    Can be used as: =CHECKBZRANGE2(COLUMN(A6);ROW(A6);COLUMN(C9);ROW(C9))

    Hint: This will only be recalculated if either A6 or C9 has changed.