I am using Django + mongoengine I want to update the books (embedded document) count in my Bookscollection document. I want the update query to return the full object. Therefore I am using the 'find_and_modify'. But even if I use update or remove fields. I still get an error that 'Must either update or remove'. Here is my code snippet -
for book_id in book_list:
book_col = BookCollection._get_collection().find_and_modify({
'query': {'coll_id':book_coll_id,'book.book_id':book_id},
{'book.$.quantity' : 1}
What is wrong here?
takes a keywords arguments that is why you are getting that error message.
for book_id in book_list:
book_col = BookCollection._get_collection().find_and_modify({
query={'coll_id':book_coll_id,'book.book_id': book_id},
update={'$inc': {'book.$.quantity' : 1}},
Also you should know that find_and_modify
is deprecated in pymongo3.0 you should use the find_one_and_update
if your diver is pymongo 2.9 or newer.