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libs folder in tess-two and eyes-two are empty

So I successfully built tess-two using the following commands

git clone git:// tess
cd tess
cd tess-two
ndk-build -path '~/Desktop/OCR/tess/eyes-two/jni'
android update project --target 6--path .
ant release

The reason Why I had to use ndk-build -path /path/to/jni/ vs. ndk-build is because I got the error:

make: /Users/Bhavik/build/core/ No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `/Users/Bhavik/build/core/'. Stop.

This is the same as NDK build error

I also had to add --target 6 (is this is a problem)?

I successfully build it : BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 3 seconds

However when I import it into my project and run it, I run into this problem: tess-two can't find

I checked my libs folder at tess/tess-two/libs/ and its completely empty. Can someone please help me with whats happening here? I am aware that this may be a duplicate but I can't find the solution.


  • I realized my fault. It was because my ndk was placed in a folder that had a space thus when trying to run ndk-build it would give me an error. I reran and saw it compile the libraries.

    I got it working, now to tackle the worst accuracy in the world.