I have an array, let say:
2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2
(the array consists of two unique integers, repeated)
Given L
and R
(denotes the range within the array).
Is there any fastest approach to reverse the elements of array in range L
to R
currently, I am doing it in O(n).
For above example, if L=2 and R=5, the new array will be,
2, 3, 2, 3, 3
, 3, 3, 2
I went through this solution: Reversing an array Query
But wanted to whether there is any other approach apart from decorated splay trees
I don't think that there is faster way (due to swap operation) but you can use another data structure.
The idea here I guess is to use kind of double-linked list with operation go through which would pass the list by visiting
in a pseudo-code something like:
class Node
Node before, next;
void goThrough(Node root, Node currentNode)
//some actions here
if( root.next != null || root.next != currentNode )
goThrough( root.next );
if( root.before != null )
goThrough( root.before );
then the reversing range would be just about changing next/before fields at the start and end of range - which actually makes O(1)