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Skip/pass non-standard prolog code

I'm developing under SWI-Prolog, but my target is Erlog ( I need a way to use non-standard Prolog syntax. Is there a way to write prolog code that will be disregarded by the SWI-compiler i.e. make it invisible.

Here is example how does it look like :

do_stuff(G,Amt) :- ecall(erlog_demo:efunc('Elixir.Blah':stuff({G,Amt})).

I was thinking if there is a way for SWI to skip that and I have another declaration that does nothing.


One option probably is to comment it and then use parser to remove the comment before running in Erlog, but this seem cumbersome.

Any other ideas.


is_dialect(swi) :- catch(current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi), _, fail).
:- if(is_dialect(swi)).
:- else.
   do_stuff(G,Amt) :- ecall(erlog_demo:efunc('Elixir.Blah':stuff({G,Amt})).
:- endif.

Syntax error: Operator expected


  • I use this idiom to keep code running in different implementations

    :- if(swi).
     gen_hash_lin_probe(Key, HashTable, Value) :-
        arg(_, HashTable, E),
        E = Key-Value.
    :- elif(yap).
     gen_hash_lin_probe(Key, HashTable, Value) :-
        HashTable =.. [htlp|Args],
        nth1(_, Args, E),
        E = Key-Value.
    :- endif.

    where predicates swi/0 or yap/0 are imported from this module(prolog_impl)

    :- module(prolog_impl, [swi/0, yap/0, prolog_impl/1]).
    swi :- prolog_impl(swi).
    yap :- prolog_impl(yap).
    prolog_impl(K) :-
        F =.. [K,_,_,_,_],
        current_prolog_flag(version_data, F).