I have a main activity which has 2 fragments. The main activity has a SearchView
in the action bar. Both the fragments have a list of large number of strings, List<String>
The flow is:
User enters Fragment I --> Selects a string (lets say Selection1) --> Based on Selection1 a list of strings is populated in the second fragment --> Here the user selects a second String ---> Processing based on these two strings.
Now since both the fragments contain a large number of strings, the user enters a query in the SearchView
, which filters the list and reduces it to a smaller list displayed in the SearchableActivity
Now the problem is how does the SearchableActivity
get access to these two List<String>
to filter them based on the query and display a reduced list to the user.
Currently what I have done is overridden onSearchRequested
and pass the data as
public boolean onSearchRequested()
Bundle appData = new Bundle();
appData.putString(FRAGMENT_ID, "Fragment_A");
appData.putStringArrayList(SEARCH_LIST, searchList);
startSearch(null, false, appData, false);
return true;
Is there a better way or standard way by which this problem can be handled i.e. an implementation that allows data to be based from my MainActivity
to SearchableActivity
Edit: Adding code. Showing how data is set in the Fragment
. onDataReceived
is called from the HttpManager
which receives the data.
public void onDataReceived(String type,final Object object)
case PopItConstants.UPDATE_LIST:
getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run()
updateCinemaList((List<String>) object);
public void updateDataList(List<String> data)
this.dataList = data;
Okay... So this is how I did it.
Basically, the data received in the two fragments was not simply List<String>
but they were models viz. Cinema and Region which contained details other than names including location, rating etc.
So, firstly, I made an interface ISearchable
public Interface ISearchable
// This contains the Search Text. An ISearchable item is included
// in search results if query is contained in the String returned by this method
public String getSearchText();
//This is meant to return the String that must be displayed if this item is in search results
public String getDisplayText();
//This is meant to handle onClick of this searchableItem
public void handleOnClick();
Both the Cinema and Region models implemented ISearchable
After this, I used a singleton class DataManager
in which I maintained a List<ISearchable> currentSearchList
public class DataManager
.....<singleton implementation>....
List<ISearchable> currentSearchList;
public void setSearchList(List<ISearchable> searchList)
this.currentSearchList = searchList;
public List<ISearchable> getSearchList()
return this.currentSearchList;
So whenever a fragment (either Fragment_A or Fragment_B) is loaded, it updates this currentSearchList
, so that when the SearchableActivity
performs search all it has to do is DataManager.getInstance().getSearchList()
and then use this list for filtering out a list of matching items.
This is how I handled the problem of having Lists in Activity other than the SearchableActivity using which search needs to be performed.
I understand this might not be the best solution, so, I look forward to suggestions and criticisms, and using that to be arrive at a better solution.