In the process of trying to automate an Outlook Email with VBA through Excel.
Towards the end of my code I have a string of values in an Excel cell separated by ;#
(Example: ;#abacus;#bicycle;#cheese;#
Once I get to the .HTMLBody section of the email creation portion, I'm using Replace() to remove the separator.
.HTMLBody = Replace(.HTMLBody, ";#", ", ")
This is great as it separates the list with a comma. I have another piece that handles the beginning as well (the ;#
before the beginning of my list). This looks for the specific instance of "List: , "
.HTMLBody = Replace(.HTMLBody, "List: , ", "List:")
Which should now read: "List: abacus, bicycle, cheese, "
I'm attempting to now remove the extra comma and space after the end of my list ("cheese, " should end as "cheese"). List will always have different values with different lengths in it, not necessarily ending in cheese, but always ending in ;#
based on the value separator.
I know the last value always follows with a return < br >
in the email, but when I try this code, it doesn't work (line breaks have included spaces around brackets to not break code block, they don't in my real VBA code):
.HTMLBody = Replace(.HTMLBody, ", < br >< br >", "< br >< br >")
Based on my crazy system of replacing values (in this case, aiming to replace three times), I feel like it should work, but it does not.
Is VBA not capable of searching for a string with line breaks in it and replacing it with just line breaks?
I also feel like there is a better way to do this - my VBA is shoddy at best.
GD Chris,
It appears you approach the problem in reverse ? Further, you indicate your start string to be:
Yet you indicate in your second 'Replace' step that there is also a value present "List:" ? This should either be part of the initial string otherwise it cannot be found in the second Replace statement ?
Anyway assuming your initial String is:
Your objective is to manipulate this string to build the .HTMLbody component.
This can be easily done by splitting the string based on the delimiter ";#"
And rebuilding for non-empty strings as per below, where s will be your start string:
Function HTMLBody(s As String) As String
Dim b As String
s = Replace(s, "List:", vbNullString) 'Removes the "List:" section
aStr = Split(s, ";#") 'Split the string in an array through the ";#" delimiter
For Each a In aStr 'Loop through all array values
If Not a = vbNullString Then 'Test if array value is not empty
If b = vbNullString Then 'Test if b is 'uninitialised' to allow addition of first item without the ","
b = a
b = b & "," & a
End If
End If
b = "List:" & b 'Add "List:" back onto the build string
HTMLBody = b 'Set the HTMLBody() return value
End Function
You can then call the "HTMLBody" function by:
Sub callHTMLBody()
.HTMLbody = HTMLBody("List:;#abacus;#bicycle;#cheese;#")
End Sub
That should get you the correct String manipulation ?