hi i have this jquery code that should display an alert box if jquery post parameter is successful which i am using on my intel xdk app.
my biggest problem is that it displays correctly on intel xdk emulator but when i build the app using cordova build and install it on my android phone the alert shows a white screen as shown below.
Please help
here is my code
$("#codeSubmit").live('click',function() {
var data = $("#codeVerification :input").serializeArray();
$.post($("#codeVerification").attr('action'), data, function(json){
if (json.page == "mainpage") {
if (json.status == "brand") {
}, "json");
At this point, I think all the intel.xdk.whatever
libraries are deprecated. Intel has been saying to move to the cordova plugins when possible for several months. You will want to use cordova-plugin-dialogs, which you can include in your project via the Plugin Management section of the project settings page (where you set up the build info). It is called "Notifications" when you look in the list under Core Plugins