I am looking to find Test Category of a testcase at runtime using c#. I am using MSTEST, TestContext does not have any information related to TestCategory, I want to capture/log TestCategory information. In my case I have multiple TestCATEGORIES assigned to a testcase.. Example
BaseTest will have Initialization and CleanUp methods..
public class CustomerTest : BaseTest
public void Login()
You can use reflection to get the attributes inside a test method like this:
public void Login()
var method = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();
foreach(var attribute in (IEnumerable<TestCategoryAttribute>)method
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TestCategoryAttribute), true))
foreach(var category in attribute.TestCategories)
var categories = attribute.TestCategories;
If you want to get the categories at another place than inside the test method you can use
var method = typeof(TheTestClass).GetMethod("Login");
to get the method base and get the attributes as described above.