I have a question about the naming of different concepts in object-oriented-programming.
Without trying to explain it through general means, let me illustrate it with two examples of the different concepts I'm speaking of.
I think a good way to illustrate this is the way how to handle damage immunity in games. Let's talk about fire that damages the entities that walk inside of it. Suppose, for example, there are spirits that are immune to fire, so they should not receive damage when walking there.
There are two ways to handle this kind of example situation (actually, three, but one isn't very 'useful'. I will state what it is at the end).
Firstly, the Entity class contains a boolean method/attribute called isImmuneToFire, and the method in the Fire class responsible for handling the process of damaging is checking on that. If this boolean is true, just return the method, if not, call the method damageBy(amount, source) in the entity class.
Secondly, the damage-handling method inside of Fire just calls damageBy(amount, source). Everything regarding immunity is just handled within the individual implementation of the method by the Entity classes. It's more like delegating the actual, repetitive work of immunity-handling to the responsible classes, while giving them more accurate control (for example, some entities could be immune to fire damage for 5 seconds after being hit once, or a player could wear fire immune armor, etc.)
I hope I could illustrate it good enough. Do these two different concepts have a name, or are they too 'marginal' to get one?
The mentioned third concept is to just brute-forcefully check the objects inside the damage-handling method (with instanceof
in Java, for example) for their classes and thus deciding on whether damage should be dealt. This of course is a simple approach that just destroys any dynamical aspect and modularity. But if someone has a name for that, I'll accept it of course. Until then, I'll just continue on with calling it the Concept of BFSJ Code
, short for Brute-Force Static Jumble Code
If I'm allowed to tweak your question a little bit I would rather consider this under the light of Double Dispatching. Instead of having the source of damage checking whether it can damage an object, or the object receiving the damageBy(amount, source)
message having two switch among all possible values of source
, you could get rid of the conditional logic in both places by having Fire
send the message fireDamage(amount)
instead. That way the source of damage will not have to check whether the object is immune to it or not, and the object will know what to do in its source-specific method.