I have created around 5 Entry boxes and binded them as well. Take this as model:
def makeEntry(self, master, data):
self.entry = Entry(master, width=8, textvariable=data)
self.entry.bind("<Leave>", lambda event, value=data: self.validate(event, value))
Now, I did also a validate method that check if the input was a string (and if so, the highlight background of the entry would change to red). The problem which is still taking me a lot of time is that I would need that the method should be able to check every entries, and if at least one of them has got a red background, then a final button should be disabled (button.configure(state=DISABLED)
With just one entry it would be much easier, I would simply check if the background was red (status = str(self.myOneEntry.cget("highlightbackground"))
), but what about with more entries?
If you want to check all of your entries, keep them in a list. Then, write a function that iterates over the list and sets the button state to disabled if any widget has a red background. You can then call this whenever something changes, such as within your validation function for each widget.
class Example(...):
def __init__(...):
self.entries = []
for data in ("one","two","three"):
entry = makeEntry(...)
def _update_button(self):
for entry in self.entries:
if entry.cget("background") == "red":
Note: you'll need to make sure that makeEntry(...)
returns a reference to the created widget.
Also, you don't have to use makeEntry
. You can create your widgets however you want. The point is to save references to the widgets in a data structure that you can iterate over. It doesn't matter how the widgets are created.