So I'm having an issue that seems like it should be a pretty simple fix but I can't seem to figure it out.
I'm using prepared statements to query data from my SQL and the return is correct. I have var_dumped
the result and confirmed the the information is there.
The table shows this: 2 'all of the way'
The array variable shows this: 2 \'all of the way\'
But when I echo it to the page, I see this: 2
I have tried htmlspecialchars
, htmlentities
, addslashes
, stripslashes
and a few combinations of those. Is there a function I'm missing here? Google isn't really helpful because the words to describe the problem are pretty generic.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT Sorry - didn't add my code because I assumed it was a function I wasn't familiar with. Here it is.
$Res = $db -> query("SELECT * FROM 01_02_item WHERE ParID = $ParID AND active = 1 ORDER BY OrderID") -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if(empty($Res[0])) $return = "<span class = 'nodata'>No data</span>";
foreach($Res as $r){
$id = $r['id'];
$name = htmlspecialchars($r['Name']);
$title = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($r['Description']));
$return .= "<li href = '$id' title = '$title' name = '$name'>$name</li>";
return $return;
By default htmlspecialchars()
doesn't escape single quotes.
You should use htmlspecialchars('foobar', ENT_QUOTES)