I really love the 'auto hide menubar' option in El Capitan, but sometimes I like it (private) sometimes I don't (work). Is there a way to show/hide it programmatically by changed it's value in a plist file? If so, in which plist file is that setting found? Any help is appreciated.
As answered by Rich Trouton on apple.stackexchange.com
Here's how you can set the menubar to be hidden and unhidden using defaults:
To hide:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain _HIHideMenuBar -bool true
To show:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain _HIHideMenuBar -bool false
Once run, logout and log back in. Alternatively, you can run the following command as the logged-in user to restart Finder and show the changes:
killall Finder
As trevordmiller points out in the comment below, in Sierra it seems you have to close your terminal first to make the change have any effect.