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Programmatically 'auto hide menubar' in El capitan

I really love the 'auto hide menubar' option in El Capitan, but sometimes I like it (private) sometimes I don't (work). Is there a way to show/hide it programmatically by changed it's value in a plist file? If so, in which plist file is that setting found? Any help is appreciated.


  • As answered by Rich Trouton on

    Here's how you can set the menubar to be hidden and unhidden using defaults:

    To hide:

    defaults write NSGlobalDomain _HIHideMenuBar -bool true

    To show:

    defaults write NSGlobalDomain _HIHideMenuBar -bool false

    Once run, logout and log back in. Alternatively, you can run the following command as the logged-in user to restart Finder and show the changes:

    killall Finder

    MacOs Sierra

    As trevordmiller points out in the comment below, in Sierra it seems you have to close your terminal first to make the change have any effect.