We are using three instances of same service, they are registered in eureka. There is zuul in front of them.
Whenever our service try to redirect to one of controllers ( for example /login) it goes directly to hostname: port (visible in browser address field) instead going through zuul proxy again. This gives us timeout.
We are tracking headers which goes into service - there is host
header set to hostname of our service.
Shouldn't it use address from x-forwarded-host
instead? How to force zuul/eureka to do that? Or we should tweak some spring-boot configuration to use it instead host
Your service is sending a location header with it's own host. You either modify the service so that references your base host, or you write a zuul filter which modifies the response header before sending it to the client.
Here is a guide for filters: https://github.com/Netflix/zuul/wiki/Writing-Filters
You can modify the headers through RequestContext
If you make a bean out of your filter, it will be registered without any action on your behalf.