I have an already published Android app which uses the youtube APIv3. This app shall be transferred to another Google Play dev account which I would own, too.
Do I have to change the youtube API developer key in the app source code? And do I have to make adjustments in the youtube dev account where I got the developer key etc.?
The app identifier/ package name as well as the app signing certificate would remain the same for future app updates. I would just have to change the Google Play developer account and transfer the app to the new account.
I suppose that it is not urgently necessary to make changes in the youtube API account or to change the developer key, but I would be interested in knowing your opinion.
Would look forward to feedback.
The Google Play developer account is unrelated to the account that you use to register for YouTube APIs.
Hence, no, you do not have to change anything (if you don't want to, of course).