I have a GIN index set up for full text search. I would like to get a list of records that match a search query, ordered by rank (how well the record matched the search query). For the result, I only need the record and its columns, I do not need the actual rank value that was used for ordering.
I have the following query, which runs fine and returns the expected results from my postgresql db.
SELECT *, ts_rank('{0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1}', users.textsearchable_index_col, to_tsquery('smit:* | ji:*')) AS rank
FROM users
WHERE users.authentication_method != 2 AND users.textsearchable_index_col @@ to_tsquery('smith:* | ji:*') ORDER
BY rank desc;
I would like to perform this query using sqlalchemy(SA). I understand that 'ts_rank' does not come ready to use in SA. I have tried a number of things, such as
proxy = self.db_session.query(User, text(
"""ts_rank('{0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1}', users.textsearchable_index_col, to_tsquery(:search_str1)) as rank""")). \
filter(User.authentication_method != 2,
text("""users.textsearchable_index_col @@ to_tsquery(:search_str2)""")). \
params(search_str1=search, search_str2=search). \
and also read about using column property, although I'm not sure if/how I would use that in the solution.
would appreciate a nudge in the right direction.
You can use SQL functions in your queries by using SQLAlchemy func
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func
(db.session.query(User, func.ts_rank('{0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1}', User.textsearchable_index_col, func.to_tsquery('smit:* | ji:*')).label('rank'))
.filter(User.authentication_method != 2)
.filter(User.textsearchable_index_col.op('@@')(func.to_tsquery('smit:* | ji:*')))
.order_by('rank desc')