What is the idiomatic way to apply transducers to an atom's value?
This seems to do the job, but I'm unsure of correctness (and style ^^).
(let [xf1 (map inc)
xf2 (map #(+ % 2))
xf #(vec (eduction (comp xf2 xf1) %))
a (atom [1 2 3])]
(swap! a xf))
;=> [4 5 6]
(let [xf1 (map inc)
xf2 (map #(* % 2))
foo #(into [] (comp xf2 xf1) %)
a (atom [1 2 3])]
(swap! a foo))
;; => [3 5 7]
There are two things you need to take note.
in transducers works the opposite order as normal applications. That is, xf2
is applied prior to xf1
. For each element, it is doubled then incremented.eduction
returns a sequence, so it's not the same type as your original value in the atom.