I have some text which is stored in an array 'A' (global data structure) whenever I run my program.
Now, the next time I run the same program, I want to append new text to the same array 'A'.
Eg: 1st time I run the program, the input values (1,12,32) are added into the array A, next time I run the same program with input values (18,7,92) .. I want the resulting array to be [1,12,32,18,7,92]
So essentially each time I run the program, new input data should be appended to that global Array.
How can I achieve this ?
Thank You.
Try to use pickle
import pickle
data = [int(el) for el in raw_input().split()]
new = pickle.load(open("save.p", "rb")) + data
except IOError:
new = data
pickle.dump(new, open("save.p", "wb"))
print pickle.load(open("save.p", "rb"))