I am learning the functional dependencies concept in IIT lectures. In that lecture they said there are three types of functional dependencies. They are
Transitive functional dependency
I know how to find the functional dependency. But I don't know that functional dependency is which type.
Please explain with examples for the functional dependency types.
A functional dependency A1A2....An->B is said to be trivial if B is one of A’s.
To make it non-trivial just remove from the right side of an FD those attributes that appear on the left. (trivial dependency rule)
when X->Y holds and W is a set of attributes, then WX->WY also holds.
Let me clarify the above two a bit more.
Given a dependency A1A2....Am->B1B2....Bn we can say it is:
3. Transitive functional dependency can occur only in a relation that has 3 or more attributes.Let A, B, and C designate three distinct attributes (or distinct collections of attributes) in the relation. Then given A->B and B->C then A->C is a transitive functional dependency.