For a college project i was recently assigned i need to create a hotel system data managment WEB Aplication in C# so one of many functions that it have its got from a xml file all the data that is going to save it in a sql data base, so in the xml file i got multiple nodes that means data of specific tables en the SQL database like:
<Codigo> CA001 </Codigo>
ok that isnt my problem, my problem and question is that what can i read a node like this:
<TipoHabitacion Cadena="CA001" Hotel="GT001">
i mean, i known that the table is "TipoHabitacion" and the Foreign Keys for that table are "Cadena=CA001" and "Hotel=GT001" with those values, how can i differentiate that information knowing that in the same document is the same but with different foreign key like:
<TipoHabitacion Cadena="CA051" Hotel="GT781">
and save it with those new values?
Are you asking how to get the attributes of your elements? If so, this is a null-safe solution:
string cadenaValue = null;
string hotelValue = null;
if (node.Attributes != null)
var cadenaAttribute = node.Attributes["Cadena"];
if (cadenaAttribute != null)
cadenaValue = cadenaAttribute.Value;
var hotelAttribute = node.Attributs["Hotel"];
if (hotelAttribute != null)
hotelValue = hotelAttribute.Value;
if (cadenaValue != null)
if (hotelValue != null)