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Repeating email notifications in Bosun

in notification of Bosun configuration, I set the timeout as 5m i.e. 5 minutes. I am receiving emails for the interval of either 5 minutes or 10 minutes. I am not able to debug as why is this happening. Please help.

    notification default {
    print = true
    next = default
    timeout = 5m


template tags {
    subject =`Testing Emails Sample`
    body = `<p><strong>Tags</strong>

        {{range $k, $v := .Group}}
            {{if eq $k "api"}}
                <tr><td>{{$k}} : {{$v}}</td></tr>

alert testSampleAlert5 {
    template = tags
    $notes = This alert monitors the percentage of 5XX on arm APIs

    crit =  1
    warn = 0
    warnNotification = default
    critNotification = default


alert testSampleAlert4 {
    template = tags
    $notes = This alert monitors the percentage of 5XX on arm APIs

    crit = 0
    warn = 1
    warnNotification = default
    critNotification = default



  • What you are encountering is bosun's feature of "chained notifications". The next and timeout parameters specify that the default notification will be triggered again after 5 minutes as you have configured it. Since it references itself, it will trigger every 5 minutes until the alert is acknowledged or closed.

    You have a few options if this is not what you want.

    1. Acknowledge the alert on the dashboard. This will stop all notification chains from repeating.
    2. Remove the next parameter if you do not want to be re-notified every 5 minutes, or increase the timeout, or something like that.

    What is your desired behaviour?