Is there any way to make Hubot understand the context of conversation between messages? Such that he could ask me clarifying questions?
For example:
me: hey, create a branch plz
Hubot: How should I name it?
me: super-duper
Hubot: Branch 'super-duper' created
Should I use some kind of state machine? Any advices on that?
You can use robot's brain to persist state.
robot.respond /hey, create a branch plz/i, (res) ->
res.reply "Ok, lets start"
user = {stage: 1}
name =
robot.brain.set name, user
robot.hear /(\w+)\s(\w+)/i, (msg) ->
name =
user = robot.brain.get(name) or null
if user != null
answer = msg.match[2]
switch user.stage
when 1
msg.reply "How should I name it?"
when 2 = answer
msg.reply "Are you sure (y/n) ?"
when 3
user.stage += 1
robot.brain.set name, user
if user.stage > 3 #End of process
if /y/i.test(user.confimation)
msg.reply "Branch #{} created."
msg.reply "Branch creation aborted"
robot.brain.remove name