# reports\workorder_version.html.haml
%class='Work Orders'
%th Index
%th Date
%th User ID
%th Event
%th Item Type
%th Item ID
%th Change Set
%th IP Address
- workorder = Workorder.where(:id => params[:id]).first
- workorder.versions.reverse.each do |version|
%td= version.index
%td= version.created_at.in_time_zone('Eastern Time (US & Canada)')
%td= Employee.find(version.whodunnit.to_i).full_name.upcase
%td= version.event.humanize
%td= version.item_type.humanize
%td= version.item_id
%td= version.changeset.to_s.humanize
%td= version.ip
My output:
How do I make the output easier for the end user to read?
The output is from version.changeset
, which returns a hash. You can loop through the hash to display each field and its changes on separate lines like so:
-version.changeset.each do |field, value|
= field + ": "
= value