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Why does my CR SetParameterValue seem to not work

I have a small Winforms project. .NetFramework 4.5, CR 13.0.14. In a ReportForm:

public partial class ReportForm : Form
    private readonly string _batchNumber;

    public ReportForm(string batchNumber)
        _batchNumber = batchNumber;

    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        APGreenSheets report = new APGreenSheets();
        DataSet data = AccountsPayableController.FillDataSet();
        report.SetParameterValue("BatchRef", _batchNumber);
        crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report;


In my CR report I have a Parameter Field “BatchRef” defined as a string.

My Record Selection Formula is: {AP_HistoryHeader.strBatchRef} = {?BatchRef}

When ReportForm loads (passing in the Batch Number reference) the report still prompts me before it will load. I can type it in manually and that will work. But I have Set the Parameter after I set the DataSource to avoid that. Thanks in advance.


  • Don Williams at SAP provided me the correct answer after a few other code checks:

    Simply remove the line crystalReportViewer1.RefreshReport();

    This did the trick. Apparently the refresh part wants to renew the passed Parameter. It turns out, I didn't need it to display the report in the first place.

    Thanks to Don!