I have a table A and it has column CA with datatype float and contains a data like 35,44113. I have exported it with bcp out functionality as follows; In my exported .csv file data is exported as 35.44113
bcp <tablename> out <path> -U <username> -P <password> -S <servername> -c -Ccp1254 -t "|"
when I wanted to import it as;
bcp <tablename> in <path> -U <username> -P <password> -S <servername> -c -Ccp1254 -t "|"
and it gives me string data right truncation bcp error. Using SQL SERVER 2008 R2
Any help?
String data right truncation error suggested to me that your field lengths are greater than your table column definitions.
If you add -e error_file.txt
to your bcp command it will provide more details of the error. e.g:
#@ Row 16, Column 15: String data, right truncation @#
From this you can adjust your table based on the file's data