In BootStrap, I insert data into the table when I initialize it. The result can be inserted into the data in the category table, which is always a failure in the goods table, which is why? the goods table inserted data is fail.
Below is a table corresponding to the domain
package my
class Goods {
String title
String description
BigDecimal price
String photoUrl
Category category
package my
class Category {
String categoryName
static hasMany = [goods:Goods]
static constraints = {
In BootStrap, I write those:
if ( {
println 'new category saved!'
def allgoods = [new gdepot2.Goods(title:'Grails',price:20.0,
description:'Grails Book...',photoUrl:''),
new gdepot2.Goods(title:'Groovy',price:20.0,
description:'Groovy Book...',photoUrl:'')
allgoods*.category = category
println 'all goods saved!'}
def goods1 = new my.Goods(title:'Grails',price:20.0,
description:'Grails Book...',photoUrl:'')
goods1.category = category
if ( {
println 'goods1 saved!'
def goods2 = new my.Goods(title:'Groovy',price:20.0,
description:'Groovy Book...',photoUrl:'')
goods2.category = category
if ( {
println 'goods2 saved!'
You create new Goods with null photoUrl "photoUrl:''". Define url or add constraints - photoUrl(nullable: true)