Search code examples

Conditional query with PDO prepare and bind statement

I am converting all my queries from mysql to PDO, and in this process I found a conditional query like a follows

if (isset($parameters['searchTerm'])) {
    $where =" And title LIKE '%{$parameters['searchTerm'] }%'";

$sql = "Select * from table data Where tableId = 5 {$where} ";

and when I am trying to convert this query in PDO the expected syntax is as follows

if (isset($parameters['searchTerm'])) {
    $where =" And title LIKE :searchTerm";

$sql = $dbh->prepare("Select * from table data Where tableId = 5 {$where}");

if (isset($parameters['searchTerm'])) {
    $sql ->bindParam(':searchTerm', '%{$parameters['searchTerm'] }%');

$sql ->execute();

Now as you can See that the if condition if (isset ($parameters ['searchTerm'] )) {...} is repeated twice.

The reason is

  1. I can not prepare the sql query before $where is being set thus $sql variable is initialized after first if statement
  2. I can not bind the parameters until I prepare the sql so it has to be placed after the $sql is being prepared

So there is one if statement before $sql = $dbh->prepare("Select * from table data Where tableId = 5 {$where}"); and one if statement after.

And my question is: Is there a way to remove this redundant if statement or I have to do it this way only.


  • You can use a handy PDO's feature that allows you to send array with parameters straight into execute()

    $where  = '';
    $params = array();
    if (isset($parameters['searchTerm'])) {
        $where = " And title LIKE :searchTerm";
        $params['searchTerm'] = "%$parameters[searchTerm]%";
    $sql = "Select * from table data Where tableId = 5 $where";
    $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql)
    $data = $stmt->fetchAll();