I need to create a regular expression that only accepts numbers and addition and subtraction characters.
I've defined the single number and groups pattern by this way
I'm not able to add the definition for addition and subtraction characters.
I'd like to have all ok with something similar this example
Ex: 12 + 1 - 23 - 9 + 10
To achieve validation, I would recommend you tokenize it, but organize it by looking for an operator [+-]
first then the number. Once tokenized you can verify in code if all operations are valid and accumulate a resultant total.
var data = "12 + 1 - 23 - 9 + 10";
var pattern = @"(?<Operator>[+-]*)\s*(?<Number>\d+)";
var tokens =
Regex.Matches(data, pattern)
.Select (mt => new
Operator = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mt.Groups["Operator"].Value)
? "+" // Default to '+' if not found. (First Number)
: mt.Groups["Operator"].Value,
Value = mt.Groups["Number"].Value
Result To Accumulate
Note it would also work if the numbers start out negative such as -12 + 1 - 23 - 9 + 10
Frankly one could be adding negative numbers. Here is a pattern to handle the sign of the number and process the sign and the operator together to determine and positive or negative accumulation:
var data = "-12 + 1 + -2 - -3";
var pattern = @"(?<Operator>[+-]*)\s*(?<Sign>[-]*)\s*(?<Number>\d+)";
var tokens =
Regex.Matches(data, pattern)
.Select (mt => new
Operator = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mt.Groups["Operator"].Value)
? 1 // default to + if not found (First Number)
: mt.Groups["Operator"].Value == "-" ? 0 : 1,
Sign = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mt.Groups["Sign"].Value)
? 1 // default to positive
: 0,
Value = mt.Groups["Number"].Value
.Select (token => new
Postive = (((token.Operator & token.Sign) > 0) ||
((token.Operator + token.Sign) == 0))
? "+" : "-",
Value = token.Value
Result To Accumulate
Note that minus a -3
makes it a +3
when accumulated. ;-)
For completeness, here is a snapshot of the first Select
before the operator and sign determination of the following second Select
is done:
Which shows that two zeros signify two minuses, which need to be converted to a plus.