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Using PlayFramework + Ebean with Gradle

I'm trying to use the Play Gradle Plugin to compile/package a Play 2.3.x app that uses Ebean.

Everything works fine during compilation and packaging, but when I run the app I get the well known error

Entity type class SomeEntity is not an enhanced entity bean. 
Subclassing is not longer supported in Ebean

So how can I can make Gradle run the enhancer during compilation?


  • This is how i have done it. I am using play 2.4 but should be able to work for you.

    First add a configuration in your build.gradle as follows -

    configurations {

    Next add a dependency on ebeanorm agent as shown below:

    dependencies {
        enhance group: 'org.avaje.ebeanorm', name: 'avaje-ebeanorm-agent', version: '4.5.3'

    Ensure you have the required play dependencies in your build.gradle as shown below:

    dependencies {
        play 'org.avaje:avaje-agentloader:2.1.2'
        play "org.avaje.ebeanorm:avaje-ebeanorm-agent:4.5.3"

    Finally add the following to do the enhancement after the compile task has executed:

    model {
        components {
            play {
                binaries.all{binary ->
                    tasks.withType(PlatformScalaCompile) {
                        doLast {
                            ant.taskdef(name: 'ebean', classname: 'com.avaje.ebean.enhance.ant.AntEnhanceTask', classpath: project.configurations.enhance.asPath)
                            ant.ebean(classSource: "${project.buildDir}/playBinary/classes", packages: '', transformArgs: 'debug=1')