I can't seem to get the class on this select to work. The grouped collection works...but not the class:
= f.select :topic_id, grouped_options_for_select([['News', @topics.news.order(title: :asc).collect {|v| [ v.title, v.id ] }],
['Opinion', @topics.opinion.order(title: :asc).collect {|v| [ v.title, v.id ] }]]), html: {include_blank: false , id: 'page_topic', class: 'form-control'}
Try without html:
= f.select :topic_id, grouped_options_for_select([['News', @topics.news.order(title: :asc).collect {|v| [ v.title, v.id ] }],
['Opinion', @topics.opinion.order(title: :asc).collect {|v| [ v.title, v.id ] }]]), include_blank: false, id: 'page_topic', class: 'form-control'
P.S. Your code is very hard to read, try to extract some parts into variables, like this:
- news_options = ['News', @topics.news.order(title: :asc).collect {|v| [ v.title, v.id ] } ]
- opinion_options = ['Opinion', @topics.opinion.order(title: :asc).collect {|v| [ v.title, v.id ] }]
- options = grouped_options_for_select([news_options, opinion_options])
= f.select :topic_id, options, include_blank: false, id: 'page_topic', class: 'form-control'