I am very new Fortran and I am doing some elementary practice. I have installed Plato latest edition. I found this program in the net, and try to compile it
program dotprod
implicit none
real :: c
real, dimension(3) :: a, b
print*,'Enter first vector'
read*, a
print*,'Enter second vector'
read*, b
c = a(1)*b(1) + a(2)*b(2) + a(3)*b(3)
print*,'Dot product = ', c
end program dotprod
Plato shows no sign of error when I build and compile, but when I try to run the program the following error message shows up: the executable does not exist.
can anyone help me explain how to handle this error ?
Maybe your file name is too long. I had the same error message, and then I saved the file using another shorter name and suddenly it worked... I also tried your code and it works on my Plato (FTN95 Personal Edition (FTN95PE) version 7.20) on windows 10.