I have been working on a banch from trunk, I continously merged changes from trunk into my branch to ensure that I don't get away from the trunk with svn merge ^/trunk/FW
. Now the time has come to merge my changes back into the trunk and I read on http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.ref.svn.c.merge.html that there's a --reintegrate
option which I can't find in my man page. So I'm wondering what that's for, how does it make the merge different and how do I best go about merging my changes back into the trunk?
What I have tried (using the --reintegrate
option as described):
$ svn merge --reintegrate ^/branches/Ron
svn: Reintegrate can only be used if revisions 11797 through 12026 were previously merged from https://burnaby-svn01:8443/svn/NextGen/trunk/FW to the reintegrate source, but this is not the case:
Missing ranges: /trunk/FW/src/nms_core/jpax_system/jpax_time:11797-11810
Missing ranges: /trunk/FW/src/rtos_core/jpax_application:11797-11810
Missing ranges: /trunk/FW/src/rtos_core/jpax_bsp_vip:11797-11810
Why does this not work properly?
"Reintegrate" is used to integrate a feature branch back into its immediate ancestor. It tells Subversion to copy over the changes that are unique to your branch, but not other things like trunk changes that were copied over to the branch. This is a specialized use case that has a number of additional requirements and restrictions that a normal merge
doesn't. Some examples:
Based on your error message, I think the last one might be your problem. Merge all remaining trunk changes into your branch and try the reintegration merge again.
For more details, see this section in the SVN book.