I'm stuck on this query: I would like to UPDATE each row in temp table #tmpHierarchy and set pLevel = 3, if the row has no level set yet (= 99) and one of it's [possible] parent items is contained in the temp table and has level = 2.
Table items contains all items, table ParentItems contains links between Items (fields Item, ParentItem)
Something like:
UPDATE #tmpHierarchy SET pLevel = 3 WHERE pLevel = 99
SELECT Item FROM Items as IT LEFT JOIN ParentItems as PTS ON PTS.ItemID = IT.ID
WHERE IT.ID = #tmpHierarchy.ItemID
SELECT Item FROM #tmpHierarchy WHERE pLevel = 2
This would be about what I want to achive, but it returns
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
The statement has been terminated.
...for obvious reason, that I have more then one value in IN clause (?).
I would be pleased to get some suggestions to this problem.
OK, so modifing second condition to INNER JOIN seems to give correct results:
FROM Items as IT
LEFT JOIN ParentItems as PTS ON PTS.ItemID = IT.ID
LEFT JOIN Items as ParItem on ParItem.ID = PTS.ParentItemID
INNER JOIN #tmpHierarchy as H ON H.ItemID = ParItem.ID
WHERE IT.ItemID = HI.PartNo AND H.pLevel = 2
I hope it helps to future viewers.
Regards Oak