Input csv file (note: there's a non-printable LF character \n after fruit):
1,"apple", "水果fruit\n",300
2,"donut", "甜點dessert",200
My PHP program:
function wpa(&$arr) { echo nl2br(print_r($arr, true)); }
header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8");
$lines = file("test.csv", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
); wpa($lines);
[0] => 1,"水果apple", "fruit
[1] => \n",300
[2] => 2,"甜點donut", "dessert",200
My question:
How can I read in the csv file and properly split it into 2 csv lines other than using fgetcsv? (note: Input file has BIG5-encoded Chinese characters and fgetcsv will mess up those Chinese characters on my PHP 5.2 environment)?
This is not a permanent answer but it takes care my problem:
Since the input file is edited under Windows, I write this code segments:
$data = file_get_contents("test.csv");
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $data); // or replace PHP_EOL with" \r\n"
echo nl2br(print_r($lines,true));
// parse with regular expression for each element in lines
It outputs correct 2 csv lines. But if the input file too large to read in at one time, I don't know the answer since line(), fgets(), .etc and other read-text-file functions all treats LF as line break even if you run PHP program under Windows.