I have the following problem: I'm implementing the Finder Sync plugin, which needs to communicate with main application. Previously, when I used old good mach_inject, that worked fine via the UNIX domain socket.
However, now, even allowed com.apple.security.temporary-exception.files.home-relative-path.read-write, and com.apple.security.network.client, I cannot connect to socket, always receiving 9/17/15 11:15:34.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: finderplugin(660) deny network-outbound /Users/nickolay/Library/blablabla/.cmdsckt
Anybody has any ideas how to fix this? Maybe, other entitlements, or other socket path is needed?
Okay, NSXPCConnection doesn't seem to work, so I ended up in using mach ports. I.e. NSMachPort, NSMachBootstrapServer and so on.