I would like to use glutTimerFunc to move the camera around the scene which is composed of some mesh models. The camera path is build with a Bezier curve like the following:
stepsCounter = 0;
// Building camera track
int i, j, k;
for(j=0; j<MAX_CV; j++) {
tmpCV[j][0] = CV[j][0];
tmpCV[j][1] = CV[j][1];
tmpCV[j][2] = CV[j][2];
for(i=0; i<STEPS; i++) {
for(j=1; j<MAX_CV; j++) {
for(k=0; k<MAX_CV-j; k++) {
lerp(i/(float)(STEPS*10), tmpCV[k], tmpCV[k+1], tmpCV[k]);
cameraPosition[i][0] = tmpCV[0][0];
cameraPosition[i][1] = tmpCV[0][1];
cameraPosition[i][2] = tmpCV[0][2];
glutTimerFunc(250, moveCamera, STEPS);
where the moveCamera function is:
void moveCamera() {
if (mode == MODE_CAMERA_MOTION) {
camE[0] = cameraPosition[stepsCounter][0];
camE[1] = cameraPosition[stepsCounter][1];
camE[2] = cameraPosition[stepsCounter][2];
if(stepsCounter < STEPS) {
else {
/* come back to the first point */
camE[0] = 8.8;
camE[1] = 4.9;
camE[2] = 9.0;
stepsCounter = 0;
But nothing moves. Maybe I have misunderstood the behaviour of that function. Where am I wrong?
The prototype to the function passed to glutTimerFunc should be
void (*func)(int value)
Where the last parameter of glutTimerFunc is the passed value. So your moveCamera should be:
void moveCamera( int STEPS )
Also, even so, the moveCamera function will be called once. You need to reregister at end of execution. This might be a possible solution:
// instead of global STEPS and stepsCounter, we decrement at reexecution
void moveCamera( int STEPS ) {
... do stuff
glutTimerFunc(250, moveCamera, STEPS-1 );