Anyone know how to change the default font size when you open a new XTERM windown in Cygwin?
I have found references of putting information into the ~/.Xresources file but that file doesn't exist for me...
Around ~2015 XWin Server was overhauled and you no longer need to create .startxwinrc because it no longer exists. I found that the ~/.Xresources is read in automatically. Also I found that XTerm.vt100.geometry is not valid anymore.
This is my .Xresources:
Xft*antialias: true
Xft*autohint: true
XTerm*background: white <== These settings mimics
XTerm*foreground: black the default back, fore
XTerm*cursorColor: grey and cursor colors
XTerm*scrollBar: true
XTerm*rightScrollBar: false <== This causes the scroll bar to be
on the default left side
XTerm*saveLines: 10000
XTerm*faceName: BitStream Vera Sans Mono
XTerm*faceSize: 12
XTerm*toolBar: On <== This causes the menu bar to appear with
Main Options, VT Options, and VT Fonts