I'm using SQLite-Net-PCL to read and write data to a local SQLite
database. On one page of my app I need all entries from a specific table that match a query. I also need to retrieve the child entities with relationships to the parent model. Therefore I use SQLite-Net Extensions. Fetching the items on a mobile device can take some time.
As the ListView
can't show all entries anyway - I want to load i.e. the first 100 entries and than all the rest when the user scrolls the ListView
I wrote a DatabaseHelper
which provides the following method:
public async static Task<ObservableCollection<Item>> GetItemsByQueryAsync(string query)
List<Item> models = null;
var conn = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(() => getAsyncSQLiteConnection());
models = await conn.GetAllWithChildrenAsync<Item>(i => i.name.Contains(query));
return new ObservableCollection<Item>(models);
I call this method from my ViewModel
to create the ItemsSource
for the ListView
public ObservableCollection<Item> Items
private async void GetItems()
Items = await DatabaseHelper.GetItemsByQueryAsync(SearchQuery);
This is the XAML code for the ListView
(I removed the template code)
<ListView x:Name="Items_ListView" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" />
What you are looking for is implementing the ISupportIncrementalLoading
interface that is build in the framework ( https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/apps/Hh701916 )
A good example can be found here: https://marcominerva.wordpress.com/2013/05/22/implementing-the-isupportincrementalloading-interface-in-a-window-store-app/