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Is there a way trigger a signal from another signal in Qt?

In my application, I am introducing a new signal, which has to be emitted when another signal is emitted. Is this possible in Qt?

Writing a slot just to emit this signal feels so primitive and lame.

I have to connect the button signalClicked() to my own signal, say sendSignal(enumtype), and send data with the second signal.


  • Yes, it is possible without creating additional slot. Just connect signal to signal:


    More information in doc.

    You can share data in connection as usual. Dirty example:

    QWidget* obj = new QWidget;
    //share data, pass wrong data to the signal
    QObject::connect(obj,&QWidget::windowTitleChanged,[](QString str) {qDebug() << str;});
    qDebug() << "But window title is"<< obj->windowTitle();

    Output is:

    But window title is "WindowTitle" 

    But there is no way to do something like:

    connect(this,SIGNAL(someSignal()),this,SIGNAL(anotherSignal("with custom data")));

    In this case, you need a separate slot.