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How to use the extra params in ExtJS Upload Widget by Ivan Novakov

I am using this upload widget in my web application.

I am using the FormDataUploader and I am able to upload files to a server directory quite well. However, I wanted to send extra parameters as well to the php file handling the upload. This is what I attempted:

var uploadPanel = Ext.create('Ext.ux.upload.Panel', {
    uploader : 'Ext.ux.upload.uploader.FormDataUploader',

    uploaderOptions : {
       url : 'uploadGallery.php'

    synchronous : true,

    uploadParams : {
        ID_Person : ID_Person,
        ID_CI : ID_CI


As you can see, I used the uploadParams, however, my PHP couldn't seem to receive it. In my php file, I have:

$ID_Person = $_GET['ID_Person'];
$ID_CI = $_GET['ID_CI'];

However, my PHP seems to be unable to get these params.

What I did next was to use the default ExtJS Uploader as such:

var uploadPanel = Ext.create('Ext.ux.upload.Panel', {
    uploaderOptions : {
        url : 'uploadExtJS.php'


    synchronous : true,

    uploadParams : {
        ID_Person : ID_Person,
        ID_CI : ID_CI


At first, I used the old PHP file which was able to get the extra params I sent. However, it seems that I needed to use a different PHP file for the ExtJS uploader.

This is what my PHP file looks like:

 * Example processing of raw PUT/POST uploaded files.
 * File metadata may be sent through appropriate HTTP headers:
 *   - file name - the 'X-File-Name' proprietary header
 *   - file size - the standard 'Content-Length' header or the 'X-File-Size' proprietary header
 *   - file type - the standard 'Content-Type' header or the 'X-File-Type' proprietary header
 * Raw data are read from the standard input.
 * The response should be a JSON encoded string with these items:
 *   - success (boolean) - if the upload has been successful
 *   - message (string) - optional message, useful in case of error
require __DIR__ . '_common.php';
$config = require __DIR__ . '_config.php';

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

 * You should check these values for XSS or SQL injection.
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME'])) {
    _error('Unknown file name');
$fileName = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME'];
    $fileName = base64_decode($fileName);
$fileName = htmlspecialchars($fileName);

$mimeType = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE']);
$size = intval($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE']);

$inputStream = fopen('php://input', 'r');
// $outputFilename = $config['upload_dir'] . '/' . $fileName;
$outputFilename = 'gallery' . '/' . $fileName;
$realSize = 0;
$data = '';

if ($inputStream) {
    if (! $config['fake']) {
        $outputStream = fopen($outputFilename, 'w');
        if (! $outputStream) {
            _error('Error creating local file');

    while (! feof($inputStream)) {
        $bytesWritten = 0;
        $data = fread($inputStream, 1024);

        if (! $config['fake']) {
            $bytesWritten = fwrite($outputStream, $data);
        } else {
            $bytesWritten = strlen($data);

        if (false === $bytesWritten) {
            _error('Error writing data to file');
        $realSize += $bytesWritten;

    if (! $config['fake']) {
} else {
    _error('Error reading input');

if ($realSize != $size) {
    _error('The actual size differs from the declared size in the headers');

_log(sprintf("[raw] Uploaded %s, %s, %d byte(s)", $fileName, $mimeType, $realSize));

However, I am getting an Internal Server 500 Error - Meaning that there was something probably wrong with my php file.

I mainly have two questions:

  1. How do I make the uploadParams work with the FormDataUploader?
  2. How do I write a PHP uploader for an ExtJS Data Uploader?


  • Got it to work.

    The uploadExtJS.php file should look like:

     * Example processing of raw PUT/POST uploaded files.
     * File metadata may be sent through appropriate HTTP headers:
     *   - file name - the 'X-File-Name' proprietary header
     *   - file size - the standard 'Content-Length' header or the 'X-File-Size' proprietary header
     *   - file type - the standard 'Content-Type' header or the 'X-File-Type' proprietary header
     * Raw data are read from the standard input.
     * The response should be a JSON encoded string with these items:
     *   - success (boolean) - if the upload has been successful
     *   - message (string) - optional message, useful in case of error
    // require  __DIR__ . '_common.php';
    // $config = require  __DIR__ .  '_config.php';
    require_once '_common.php';
    $config = require_once '_config.php';
    ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
     * You should check these values for XSS or SQL injection.
    if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME'])) {
        _error('Unknown file name');
    $fileName = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME'];
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILENAME_ENCODER']) && 'base64' == $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILENAME_ENCODER']) {
        $fileName = base64_decode($fileName);
    $fileName = htmlspecialchars($fileName);
    $mimeType = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE']);
    $size = intval($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE']);
    $inputStream = fopen('php://input', 'r');
    $outputFilename = $config['upload_dir'] . '/' . $fileName;
    // $outputFilename = 'gallery' . '/' . $fileName;
    $realSize = 0;
    $data = '';
    if ($inputStream) {
        if (! $config['fake']) {
            $outputStream = fopen($outputFilename, 'w');
            if (! $outputStream) {
                _error('Error creating local file');
        while (! feof($inputStream)) {
            $bytesWritten = 0;
            $data = fread($inputStream, 1024);
            if (! $config['fake']) {
                $bytesWritten = fwrite($outputStream, $data);
            } else {
                $bytesWritten = strlen($data);
            if (false === $bytesWritten) {
                _error('Error writing data to file');
            $realSize += $bytesWritten;
        if (! $config['fake']) {
    } else {
        _error('Error reading input');
    if ($realSize != $size) {
        _error('The actual size differs from the declared size in the headers');
    _log(sprintf("[raw] Uploaded %s, %s, %d byte(s)", $fileName, $mimeType, $realSize));
    _response(true, "okay");

    _common.php looks like:

    function _log($value){
        error_log(print_r($value, true));
    function _response($success = true, $message = 'OK'){
        $response = array(
            'success' => $success,
            'message' => $message
        echo json_encode($response);
    function _error($message){
        return _response(false, $message);

    _config.php should look like:

    return array(
        'upload_dir' => 'gallery',
        'fake' => false

    and now I'm working on using a unique name using uniqid() and microtime(), as well as saving the images to a subdirectory (or any folder under your main upload/gallery folder) using the uploadParams() property.


    just change this line:

    $fileName = htmlspecialchars($fileName);


    $fileName = uniqid() . '_' . microtime();


    First, make sure than when you create your Upload Dialog from your ExtJS web app, you do this:

    var uploadPanel = Ext.create('Ext.ux.upload.Panel', {
        uploaderOptions : {
            url : 'uploadExtJS.php'
        synchronous : true,
        uploadParams : {
            ID_1 : ID_1,
            ID_2 : ID_2 // you can put waaay more if you want

    and in your uploadExtJS.php, do this (between the part where you define your new file name and the part where you check for input stream)

    $fileName = uniqid() . '_' . microtime();
    $mimeType = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE']);
    $size = intval($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE']);
    $ID_1 = $_GET['ID_1'];
    $ID_2 = $_GET['ID_2'];
    $newFilePath = $config['upload_dir'] . '/' . $ID_1 . '/' . $ID_2;
    if (!file_exists($newFilePath)) {
        mkdir($newFilePath, 0777, true);
    $inputStream = fopen('php://input', 'r');
    $outputFilename = $newFilePath . '/' . $fileName;
    $realSize = 0;
    $data = '';

    As you can see, I defined a $newFilePath variable, checked if it was existing before making it, then uploaded to that directory.

    Hope this helps anyone who encounters the issue in the future.