Hi I cannot figure out how to open a new plain browser window without any browser controls and with specific dimensions. I tried the following but it doesn't work, more accurately it still opens a regular browser window with controls.
@Html.ActionLink("New Window", "Index", new {Controller="controller"}, new { target= "_blank, toolbar=0, location=0, menubar=0 " })
I'd say you have to use JavaScript in order to do so:
function openInNewWindowWithSettings()
window.open('@Url.Content("~/YourController/YourPage")',target = '_blank', width = '1000px', height = '800px');
//fullscreen = 'yes',
//height = '800px',
//left = '20px',
//location = 'no', //address field
//menubar = 'no',
//resizeable = 'yes',
//scrollbars = 'yes',
//status = 'yes', //status bar
//titlebar = 'yes',
//toolbar = 'yes',
//top = '20px',
//width = '1000px'
<a href='javascript:openInNewWindowWithSettings();'>Link that opens in new window</a>
Then do a
return Redirect(_linkToYourUrl);
in your MVC Controller.
Or just insert the Url in the HTML Link above.