Can anyone tell me what is the data structure of EMV cards?
In case of magnetic stripe cards track data is used, which contains PAN, User details, Expiry date, CVV, etc.
What do we read when EMV card is inserted into the card reader?
I went through a few documents and sites and it was hard for me to understand.
A little help would be appreciated.
The EMV card contains chip. This chip manages the file system that stores the data needed by each card application.
There are 2 categories of files, DF(Dedicated files) and EF(Elementary files). They are organized in hierarchical tree, DF as branches and EF as leaves.
The highest DF in file is also called MF(Master file). EF1 contains all information related to card, like, administrative and
general security information, ICC serial number, access control
keys, card’s general PIN. These information can be used to create one more DF at MF level.