I will start with an example. Suppose we have an array of size 3 with elements a
, b
and c
like: (where a
, b
and c
are some numerical values)
|1 | 2| 3|
|a | b| c|
(Assume index starts from 1 as shown in the example above)
Now all possible increasing sub-sequence of length 2 are:
12 23 13
so the sum of product of elements at those indexes is required, that is, ab+bc+ac
For length 3 we have only one increasing sub-sequence, that is, 123 so abc
should be printed.
For length 4 we have no sequence so 0
is printed and the program terminates.
So output for the given array will be:
So for example if the elements a
, b
and c
are 1, 2 and 3 respectively then the output should be 11,6,0
Similarly, for an array of size 4 with elements a,b,c,d the output will be:
and so on...
Now obviously brute force will be too inefficient for large value of array size. I was wondering if there is an efficient algorithm to compute the output for an array of given size?
Edit 1: I tried finding a pattern. For example for an array of size 4:
The first value we need is :(ab+ac+bc)+d(a+b+c)= ab+ac+ad+bc+bd+cd (Take A=ab+ac+bd)
then the second value we need is:(abc) +d(A) = abc+abd+acd+bcd(B=abc)
then the third value we need is : (0) +d(B) = abcd(Let's take 0 as C)
then the fourth value we need is: +d(C) = 0
But it still requires a lot of computation and I can't figure out an efficient way to implement this.
Edit 2: My question is different then this since:
As a post that seems to have disappeared pointed out one way is to get a recurrence relation. Let S(n,k) be the sum over increasing subsequences (of 1..n) of length k of the product of the array elements indexed by the sequence. Such a subsequence either ends in n or not; in the first case it's the concatenation of a subsequence of length k-1 of 1..n-1 and {n}; in the second case it's a subsequence of 1..n-1 of length k. Thus:
S(n,k) = S(n-1,k) + A[n] * S(n-1,k-1)
For this always to make sense we need to add:
S(n,0) = 1
S(n,m) = 0 for m>n