In the gstreamer - streamingtest example ( a gstreamer pipe is sending to udpsink host= port=5004, which then is broadcasted via webRTC in Janus. how is it possible to send a webcam-stream from another user through his browser getUserMedia() to Janus-Gateway for broadcasting? Do i have to configure a pipe for it as well and how would that look like?
I have installed Janus and i am able to run all the Demos.
there is a rtp_forward request possible against the videoroom which would forward the rtp from a publisher in that room to the streaming plug-in or any other ip. it was added here:
instead of rtp_listen though, you should request rtp_forward and also pass in the secret.
(this solution needs a browser, but I marked it as right solution since it works for me this way and also scaling users is possible like this)