I've made a Python application which can load plugins. These plugins are loaded based on a name and path.
I am currently using
pluginModule = imp.load_source(pluginModuleName, pluginModulePath)
and then getting a class instance in the module this way
# Load the module class and initialize it.
if hasattr(pluginModule, pluginClassName):
pluginClassInst = getattr(pluginModule, pluginClassName)()
except Exception as e:
errorMsg = ('In plugin module [{}], {}'.format(os.path.basename(pluginModulePath), e))
Since the imp lib is deprecated I want to use importlib. And the only similar method of getting my class instance was to use
pluginModule = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(pluginModuleName, pluginModulePath).load_module()
The weird thing here is that (I am using pyCharm as IDE). when I run my code in debugging mode the above command works fine and I get my class instance. however running the code normally gives me the following error.
pluginModule = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(pluginModuleName, pluginModulePath).load_module()
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'machinery'
Why is there a difference between run and debug. Is there an alternative way of doing what I want.
Ive also tried
pluginModuleTmp = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(pluginModuleName, pluginModulePath)
Which also gives me the correct data however I cannot load the module this way or at least I do not know how
Regards Anders
Found the solution. Apparently in debug mode a lot more modules are imported behind my back. I fixed it by adding the import.
import importlib.machinery
Regards Anders