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Display all of specific POI in a country - google maps

I am working on a project which happens to collaborate with google maps. I would like to display all of business POI in one country. I guess this is not enough:

  featureType: "",
  elementType: "labels",
  stylers: [
   { visibility: "on" }

It would be better to build up a function which counts the length of all the POI then displays them on the map, but I am quite new with the Google Maps api. Any ideas?



                var title = [];
                var first = ""; 
                /* Where markers[i] is already provided */
                for( var j in markers[i]["marker"] ) 
                    if( !first )
                        first = j;
                    if( markers[i]["marker"][j]["name2"] )

    Then I call the map with the markers :D Thanks a lot people