I am developing php statistic part of my app with pChart, but I met a difficulty trying to set the colors of my bars with the pChart librairy. I want to change color of each bar. Is it possible to change the color ? Like for slices ?
My chart just has 1 serie, I have 4 bars.
With Pie chart I can use this
$PieChart = $this->pchart->pPie($myPicture,$MyData);
How will I manage it with bars ? I have no indication on documentation.
Yes you can do that, but you have to use custom palette for that.
$Palette = array("0"=>array("R"=>188,"G"=>224,"B"=>46,"Alpha"=>100),
If you want more info you can find it here. http://wiki.pchart.net/doc.chart.drawbarchart.html